Wednesday, July 1, 2009

P-p-p-Poke Her Face. Please.

Be honest. Don't you all know that person, who you really really cannot stand, but they just cant take the hint?
That person who just keeps nagging and nagging, who thinks you're their best friend, how they keep bragging about their life, & you can never get a word in sideways? That you suspect they're behind some problems in your life?
Sometimes even more than one person.

No? It's just me?
Wait, that cant be.

YOU LIE. You DO know a person like that! We all do! It's 'human nature' (cliches are like a whole differant language on their own. Everybody understand them. O_o )

Anyway, I'm really not going to go into details about the person I know. (I'm a mean byotch, but not THAT mean. One person I know will probably disagree. No comment.)
But it's true. I've never been in more shit (pardon the language, i cant help it) than i have ever been in before I met Person X

So lemme share valuable advice on how to deal with such people, learned through sheer experience:

First of all, see things from their point of view. They dont know that you dont like them. To them, you're the only friend who'll listen to them. Who'll be there for them. They geniunely think you guys are friends.
& I know, you dont want to break it to them that... well, you're really not.
& whatever problems they caused, they did it unknowingly. They're probably that kind of person, the kind who has a selective memory, & who just cant help being like that.

But you've gotta let them know at some point. Maybe you'll tell them point blank. Maybe they'll FINALLY get the hint. Maybe they've known it all along, & it's finally sunk in & they're doing something about it.
Any which way it happens, it has to happen.

Which means I have to take my own advice, swallow the guilt, & just do it (grab the bull by the horns, if you will. That was for all you cliche-mongers.).
Because no-one appreciates being lied to.

I know, because I learned the hard way.

AHHH! This is so depressing. -_-
Sunday blues, man. Wut to do anei. :P

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