Friday, July 17, 2009

CoDV: My Little Fantasy World

My blog looked lonely, & Anonymouse has gone on an Bloggerific spree :P
So I got into a bloggerific mood... but without much of a topic. :(

So, I shall tell you about CoDV, my latest little adventure.
Well, it's not an adventure, per se, but it is important to me. This maybe the first time I've ever really concentrated on a big project, & the first time I'll actually complete it.
Sad, isnt it? In all my x years of life, this is the one thing I'll actually finish writing.

Okay, so what IS CoDV, you're probably thinking. It's this story im writing, a fanfic really.
Okay, dont laugh at the plot. This is only a small builiding block in my writing career, & its mainly a inside thing with my friends.
Its a fanfic about a fanfic about Harry Potter. :P
Okay I said it. :P
But the original fanfic about Harry Potter (dont sue me for mentioning it, JKR) is written by this brilliant author named Cassandra Clare. She's BRILLIANT. Honestly, her now very famous fanfics (entitled: Draco Dormiens, Draco Sinister & Draco Veritas) is an absolute mindfuck, in the best way possible. It makes you feel like CC is not just another writer, but a deity of sorts.

Anyway, back to the point. It's mostly about Draco Malfoy, & his life on the good side (I know, I kn0ow. He's supposed to be evil & all. & he STILL IS. Just on the good side. He's still ill-tempered, sarcastic, infuriating. Just unbelievable awesome at the same time).
Well, of COURSE the other main character is Harry, Hermy, Ron, Ginny & the rest of the HP brood.
But this is NOTHING LIKE JK's stuff. This IS magic, in writing.
I mean, dont get me wrong! JK is a GENIUS & the entire world should be indebted to her & her incredible-ness.
But CC puts this whole new twist to things. Nothing is what you think it is.

So, its a Trilogy, the Draco Trilogy. & it will forever remain the best thing i have ever read.
& when I get back home, I will upload it so that you guys can read it too, if you like.

but sadly, the epilogue wasnt up to the expected standards. & my friends & I were incredibly disappointed.
Then I got the brainwave to write a new continuation. The Continuation of Draco Veritas. CoDV, as I call it.
Well, basically i needed something to be fixated on. & in the Draco Trilogy, the highlight is Draco & Ginny, the most unlikely combo in the world.

So im writing a continuation.

Okay, i bet you're questioning my sanity now. I do too, daily. But this... this is just something i really feel i need to complete. I dont know why, but i know i'll never live it down if i leave it incomplete.
Besides, i'll be roadkill, courtesy of my friends & fellow Dracomaniacs.

Still in chapter 3, but im getting there :)

so now that i've bored you to tears... have a nice weekend :)


Makuluwo said...

Whatever makes ya happy, luzr. :D
Just don't forget to ask CC's permission before you publish the thing, unless you want a law suit on your hands!
LULZ dude, I had a dream today, that I had a law suit on my hands, but I was fleeing the town all gangsta like.
That is a story for later. jiji.

She Who Eats Cookies said...

Hahahaha gangstaaaa! jiji
I decided to embrace my inner geek :P

Anonymous said...

good luck with it.

Anonymouse said...

I am one of those people that shall be killing you if you don't finish it, of course. :P

Black Rose said...

oooh oooh another Dracomaniac. <3

Have you read Sarah Rhees Brennan's work. Her alias is Mistful/Maya. Man she is good.

Can't wait to read yours.

Best and HUGS