Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Chicken Soup With Noodles.

Those Chicken Soup book annoy me. They're so irritatingly soulful, & try-hard- life changing . No, I dont want to hear about the crippled boy who bought the crippled dog. Or the lady with the already-burned face who saved some kid from a fire. I'm creeped out by fairytales as it is.

Hey, here's a thought: Why isn't there a Chicken Soup book for the Sick? Aren't THEY the people who actually need the friggin' soup? Oh noooo, instead- perfectly healthy people are stealing all their soup to make soppy (or should i say- soupy?) books out of it.
Psshh. The selfishness of humanity is so sad. Over a thing like SOUP. Which most people dont even LIKE, normally.
Except when they're SICK. WHICH IS THE WHOLE POINT, INNIT?! -_-

Haha, & what about the vegetarians? You cant have a Chicken Soup for Vegetarians, now can you? So what, Vegetable Soup for Vegetarians? Why has nobody written a Vegetable Soup book?! WHY?! What have you got against vegetarians, you soup-mongers?!

& what about Chicken Soup for Babies? Sure, they cant read it, but their parents can read it to them! & babies eat ONLY soup, right? (well, a LOT of soup at least). & they of all people need it to grow into strong & all-rounded individuals. Think about that, WritersOfSoup!

& personally, I think Chicken Soup sucks without noodles. WE NEED CHICKEN SOUP WITH NOODLES!

& what about Chicken Soup for Introverts, Insomniacs, Suicidal people, Emos, etc?! The people that actually need it! Broaden your minds, WritersOfSoup! Help those who need it, & NOT write some book that some fat rich dude/dudette buys as beach-reading!!

Hmm. I'm hungry now. No, really.


Makuluwo said...

It's a Chicken Soup propaganda clearly. We must stop the chickens. Or the soup makers, or whatever.

Just woke up, man. Your title made me really hungry. Gonna go make noodles nao.

She Who Eats Cookies said...

Sesky idea! :D
The noodles too..

Anonymous said...

Dat thing about vegetarians is true though... So does that mean ethically, it would be wrong for vegetarians to endorse any content in da chicken soup series cos of da proposition of meat soup as a 'fix' / inspiration? It is in essence agreeing with meat soup (an 'ethical' product) to achieve benefits selfishly, while neglecting da harm dat has been brought about to get da soup

She Who Eats Cookies said...

Hmm. That does require some deep thought.
Well, I suppose they would be a little offended by the title- except the ones who actually understand that it's a metaphor... that being very few...