Sunday, October 26, 2008

25 Signs That Computers & The Internet Rule Your Life

Another random list that I found while browsing the Net. Needless to say: This list accurately describes me in some way or another. I admitted it- now it's your turn! =D

  1. You can't remember the last time you wrote an entire paragraph using a pen & paper.
  2. You consider the Internet a basic utility.
  3. Between your Internet and your TV, you would rather lose your TV.
  4. Between your Internet and your phone line, you would rather lose your phone line.
  5. The Internet IS your phone line.
  6. You carry a flash drive in your purse or pocket.
  7. You carry a laptop you wherever you go-or you wish you could.
  8. You have a callous on your right wrist, where you rest your hand when you use your mouse.
  9. Your “diary” is not protected with a lock and key, but with a username and password - and it is open to be read by anybody in the world.
  10. You've joined an online forum and regularly post messages on it.
  11. You are - or have been - a member of a Yahoo group.
  12. You've watched 1,500 orange-clad prisoners dancing “Thriller” on YouTube.
  13. You know the meaning of the word “google” - and if you don't, you simply Google it.
  14. When you hear the word “spam,” you don't think of food.
  15. You've bought and sold things on eBay.
  16. You've had an online love affair.
  17. Half your friends only know you by your user-name.
  18. The other half know your real name AND your user-name.
  19. You've mastered computing the time in several different time zones because of all those online meetings you schedule with your Internet friends.
  20. You no longer buy greeting cards; you get them free online and send them through email.
  21. You no longer buy newspapers; your morning news is regularly sent to your inbox.
  22. You no longer buy calendars; you use the one in your email reader or taskbar.
  23. If your wall clock suddenly disappeared, you wouldn't miss it very much either.
  24. You don't keep pictures of your kids in your wallet, but you set them as your wallpaper and screen saver.
  25. You need a computer view your children's photos.

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