Thursday, December 11, 2008

Like hahahahaha... What? Oh.

Well here I am. What left of me.
God that was emo. OKay, NO emo. I hate emos. Unless it's my one & only Sexy Emo.
But I'm straying off the topic.

Well- believe it or not- I started this blog with the honest intention of saying something worthwhile. But I think I forgot.
This wouldn't be the first time.

Oh yes. I am unintentionally suicidal.

No I'm not. WTF. I cant believe I said that. That is EMO. I do not LIKE emo.
But if this is so, WHY are emo thoughts running through my head? Okay so big deal: My ex left me in his dust as he moved on to bigger & better things in life. Whooo hooo. Big whoop. I'm happy for him, really. I mean, that proves that he's not as pathetic & 'immature' as I am.

But seriously: where the hell does that leave me? Am I the ONLY retard who didn't move on? Seriously? SERIOUSLY?! Seriously. Am I forever destined to sit in this rut six feet under & just look up at everyone moving on, wondering what it would feel like to be happy again? Are you freaking kidding me?! Does the big ruler-dude REALLY hate me as much as he/she seems to? What the HELL did I DO?!!?!

I dont even know why I'm posting all this here. It's not like anyone cares, right? Nobody's actually reading this, yeah? I'm just talking to a virtual wall here?

Oh, great. More questions. JUST what I needed.


Anonymous said...

Pfft. I won't let you speak to virtual walls as long as I live. At least.

Anonymous said...
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